Cow shares are an affordable and smart way to stock your freezer with delicious, high quality beef.

At C & R Ranch, we offer beef shares for purchase. As each animal is unique, so is each beef share. You will receive beef from one animal who was raised holistically throughout its life, and fed only native grasses and hay from our ranch.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions •

  • A share refers to a portion of a cow that you purchase a reservation for.  We offer reservations for a Whole Share, Half (1/2) Share, Quarter (1/4) Share, or Eighth (1/8) Share. Your reservation allows us to schedule appointments with our meat packing partners for slaughter and butcher. This method allows you to buy in bulk and receive a variety of cuts from a single animal.

    Some of our customers will purchase a Whole Cow share once a year.  Others may “go in on a cow-pool” with their family and neighbors and reserve a Whole Cow Share every few months.  This depends on the freezer space you have available and up front cost to you. 

    We also offer smaller boxes designed for all types of beef enjoyers and professionals.  We have boxes designed for households of one, families, and restaurants.  Because we are a small team, we are able to work with you to achieve your beef goals.  We don’t have the red tape and bureaucracy a large ranch or grocery store has.

  • You’ll receive a variety of cuts including approximately 20% steaks, 30% roasts, and 50% ground beef no matter what size share you choose.

    When you make a reservation for a Whole Cow Share, we allow you to design the cut sheet yourself. We will work with you, and interface directly with the butcher so you have more freedom in making decisions. When buying into a share, we are happy to take your suggestions on our order, but we will also be considering the other reservation holders so we will most likely use our Standard cut sheet.

    We will provide suggestions on recipes and cooking techniques because we want you to feel confident and excited about using the whole animal.  

    Here’s a list of possible cuts in your share:

    • T-bone Steak

    • Top Sirloin Steak

    • Filet Steak

    • NY Steak

    • Flank Steak

    • Prime Rib Roast

    • Short Rib, Brisket

    • Stew meat

    • Ground beef

    • Soup bones/shanks

    • Offal (organs)

  • Our beef is special because we raise Bonsmara cattle, which are perfectly adapted to the production of grass-fed and grass-finished beef.

    Bonsmara beef has an incredible flavor. It has similar qualities to other grass fed beef you may have eaten; it is tender and should be cooked with attention. Don’t overcook it and be sure to let it rest. Because the beef you purchase is a single animal that has been cut and wrapped by one butcher, there is far less risk of contamination compared to grocery store-bought beef.  You can safely consume it ‘pink or bloody’. 

    Check out this article from HMI for tips on cooking Grass Fed Beef. 

    The intention behind choosing this breed is that certain breeds of animals are genetically designed to thrive in certain climates.  As an example, think about how the Husky is a dog breed adapted, and meant to thrive in cold climates while being worked as sled dogs. Similarly, think about how camels are desert animals that can travel miles and days without fresh water. This is how genetics is applied for climate adapted animals that are locally appropriate. The Bonsmara breed is from South Africa, which has similar heat and drought conditions to Northern California. Raising a breed that is meant to thrive here means that 1) We are able to raise healthier livestock with less veterinary intervention and 2) They love eating the grasses that grow here, and they gain muscle weight competitively compared to other breeds like angus. When we tell other ranchers the weights of our animals, they are always shocked at how efficiently they gain weight. 

    Our cattle spend their lives on biodiverse pastures where they eat grass, natural forages, and hay produced right on our ranch. They are rotationally grazed to ensure they have access to fresh, nutrient-rich forage and to promote sustainable land use. Our cattle never receive grain or other high carbohydrate concentrates. Additionally, they are humanely treated and loved, ensuring a stress-free environment that contributes to the quality and flavor of the beef.

  • Grass-fed grass-finished means that our cattle are raised on a diet of natural grasses for their entire lives, without any grain supplementation. This results in beef that is leaner and richer in nutrients, with a more distinct and robust flavor.

  • No, we do not use any hormones or antibiotics in raising our cattle. Our commitment is to provide natural, healthy beef without the use of growth promoters or unnecessary medications.

  • While our beef is not certified organic, it is raised according to stringent natural and sustainable farming practices. Our cattle graze on untreated, biodiverse pastures, and we do not use synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides.

  • Buying in bulk is cost-effective and ensures you have a steady supply of high-quality beef. It allows you to experience a variety of cuts and flavors, and it often provides better value per pound compared to buying individual cuts from a store.

  • Your share will come vacuum-sealed in clear, fully labeled packaging.

  • The number of meals a share provides can vary based on the size of the share your family's consumption. For approximate information, please refer to the Share Comparison page or check the description of each share on the Purchase page. This will give you an idea of how many meals you can expect from each share size.

  • To determine how much freezer space you need, please check the Share Comparison page for general guidelines. Additionally, the specific freezer space requirements for each share are detailed in the description under each share on the Purchase page, ensuring you have the exact information needed to prepare accordingly.  

    We recommend that you invest in a chest freezer that can be adjusted below zero.

  • We offer pick-up at two locations: C & R Ranch in Flournoy, California.

    We can deliver up to 50 miles from the butcher which is located in Oroville, CA.  We also have a pickup option in Chico, CA.

  • When picking up your beef, bring sufficient coolers and ice packs or dry ice to keep your beef cool during transport. Ensure you have enough vehicle space to accommodate the coolers and maintain proper ventilation to keep the meat fresh.

  • Yes, we sell both steers and animals for breeding. Please send us a message to learn more.

  • Absolutely! We'd love to show you around. Send us a message with your phone number and number of attendees and we'll discuss the possibilities.

FAQs: Info to graze on