Our all natural cattle

  • Never receive antibiotics during their life

  • Never receive hormones or other growth stimulants

  • Never spend time in feed lots

What does “all natural” mean?

Our beef cattle only receive supplements when needed, including

  • Mineral supplements to maintain their electrolytes

  • Protein supplements when environmental stressors decrease the quality of grass

Our beef is “Grass Fed/Grass Finished,” which means

  • Our cattle spend their lives on open pastures eating grass and hay produced on our ranch

  • They consume grass and hay to build body fat and achieve optimal conditioning

  • Our cows don’t receive grain or other high carbohydrate concentrates

  • We employ low stress practices when rotating the cattle from one pasture to another—walking slowly and calmly

  • Speaking quietly around the cattle and reducing loud noises 

  • Our hydraulic cattle chute gently restrains the animals when vaccinating or for performing close examinations

  • Veterinary procedures that may cause pain are accompanied by medication to reduce discomfort and promote rapid healing

Humane Treatment on our ranch means